Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Sunday drive, a Monday morning, and a Tuesday thunderstorm....

  So this past Sunday, I actually slept in....till about 10 am.  That's actually late for me nowadays but it was nice for a change.  I finally dragged my ass out of bed, showered and got dressed, had a little breakfast and some coffee and decided to run a couple of errands.  I needed to stop over at my cousin's house and chose to drive the "back way" through the neighborhoods.  And why not, it was a lazy day, beautiful outside...I'm talking upper 50's in late Feb and I wasn't in any hurry...which is kind of odd for me.  Anyway,  I had the truck window down rollin like a typical "Sunday driver"....slow and carefree.  During this drive which was about 15-20 minutes, I noticed a few things...pleasant things, things not noticed for awhile.  Birds were singing, with the weather being so nice people were out starting the early preparations of their soil for their gardens to be.  Couples and family's were at the parks and cooking out, or there for a nice stroll around the "walking track", some even holding hands. Others seemingly were working hard to maximize their outdoor passions utilizing the ever so precious wonderous February day as its minutes ticked hastily toward evening.  Empty fields had become make shift volleyball courts that entertained dozens of friends and family.
   One particular observation was quite memorable.  A single car was parked at a small baseball field that was not being used by anyone.  An older guy, and I mean older of the two, stepped out of the drivers side as the trunk started to open.  Obviously he had popped the trunk as he was getting out.  From the passenger side of the car, a young boy anywhere from 10 -12 years old burst out of the car dressed in a complete little league baseball uniform.  As soon as his cleats hit the asphalt of the parking lot, he was off to the ball field....completely full of excitement and expectation.  I had then noticed that the "older guy".....I'm not sure whether he was an older brother or the father, was also dressed in a baseball uniform.  He had the pants, the socks, the cleats, but a t-shirt....not the "team" jersey on.  Not the kid though.....he was decked out all the way.  As they became noticeable only through the rear view mirror, I saw the man grab a bag of bats and gloves from the trunk.  A man and his boy had went out on this beautiful day to play baseball at the ball field....together....just the two of them.  Not only could I tell it made the kid's day, anyone could have seen the man was having a ball as well.  That was really nice to see.  It actually enlightened my day, put me in an even better mood, and produced a thought on my fellow man.  People were out enjoying themselves, being friendly, smiling, caring for one another, their property and neighborhoods.  Folks were exercising and making an effort to be productive and happy.
It gave me some hope for mankind.  And for me personally, there isn't or at least wasn't much of that at all (hope for mankind) before this drive.  People don't want to fight, or hurt others, or harass......they just want to do their own thing and be happy and live and eat and try to enjoy life.  At least not us everyday "common folk" as some would put it.  Such a shame that such a few can create such unhappiness for so many.  But the rest of my driving time on this wonderful Sunday afternoon, was filled with nothing but constructive, hopeful thoughts.  :)
Then came Monday morning.  <------speaks for itself.

 Tonight, I have been enjoying the sounds of heavy rain, strong winds, and thunderstorms pelting the house outside while I sit comfortably in my quiet basement enjoying the lateness of the evening.  I wonder what tomorrow has in store?

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